Tuesday, March 17, 2009

An Impulsively Passionate Life with ADHD

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So far, my posts are showing a very dark side to ADHD. Time for a bit of a lift!

The ADHD/Hunter type of person can also be a bit of fun. Impulsivity used properly can add quite a bit of spice to life. Just a few examples:

There was the time my wife, our two young kids and I walked into a store for winter gloves for the kids and left with rental skis and plans for a weekend trip to go skiing the next day. This was the kids’ first time on the slopes and my first time in close to 20 years. What a ball! None of us will forget that trip. Thank you ADHD!

How about the time that I came to realize that I missed the feeling of being at the beach? I grew up on the south shore of Long Island. We spent a ton of time on the water and at the beautiful beaches. But now, the demands of life made it that I only would see the beach for five minutes every other winter. ADHD to the rescue! Off to the surf shop! Surfboards and wetsuits for all! We started our routine of watching the sunrise over a cup of coffee at 5 or 6 AM on the beach and playing in the surf. Home by 9AM – energized and ready for a productive day.

I was at a fundraiser dinner. They had a “silent” auction. You walk around and look at the auction items and write down your bid on a list. Throughout the night you can check the bids and can outbid the last. I overheard a family member saying how she would love to win the auction for a house on Fire Island for a week. ADHD handed me my cape and – Presto! – I outbid everyone on the house. I really couldn’t afford it, but it was fun and exciting. It became the adventure of a lifetime. We ended up with over 20 family members for the weekend in the house to celebrate my father’s birthday. Since there are no cars on Fire Island, getting supplies for 20 for the weekend meant having to shuttle everything by boat and little red wagons.

ADHD can help create some very exciting moments. Impulsivity can be the spark that makes for choosing the path less traveled. Kept under control, the impulsivity of ADHD can help you live a passionate life.

Celebrate your ADHD!


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