My daughter, Kim (9), is generally loving, happy, social and very active. As described in earlier posts, her ADHD presents itself in her talkativeness and her inability to stand still. She has been taking medication for her ADHD for a couple of years now.
Very often, especially in the evenings, she can break down into tears with little cause and little understanding. At bed time, she can have a bad case of "the blues", feeling choked up and sad without a clear reason why. We are not sure if these moments are early indications of depression, which have a high rate of coexistence or "comorbidty" with ADHD. Dawn, Kim's Mom, has been dealing with depression over the years. Alternatively, she may just be "crashing" as the effects of her ADHD medication(stimulants) wear off.
Lately she has put a label to these feelings - "Bloopy". My wife, Dawn, and Kim are putting together a children's book, where Kim can express how she feels, in a comfortable and creative environment. We will continue to encourage her to express herself through the book. If and when she completes it I will talk to Kim about sharing it here. Maybe another child is feeling bloopy and would be reassured knowing that he or she is not alone.
Until then...
- Peace
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